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Money Spell

Introducing; Money Magic - Grab the Replay now!

The two-hour workshop on how to do a successful money spell and call in limitless abundance, 

With myself and the amazing Amanda Root. 

Two powerful witches have decided to come together and offer you a sacred space to heal, learn, integrate, and manifest.

This workshop is for the woman who is looking to start infusing her money-making with magic, to create massive results in her life and business. 

When doing a money spell, the intention is everything, and when you come together in sisterhood, do the healing work around money wounds, and tap into your own power as a manifestor and creator, you open yourself up to receive unlimited abundance. 

Over the 2 hour workshop, we will be covering: 

  • What is the energy of money.

  • Uncovering what money means to you. 

  • The limiting beliefs we have around money, identifying money wounds, to bring them to the surface and heal them to create a clear vessel for calling in more abundance. 

  • The numerology of money

  • Creating and solidifying new money beliefs.

  • Unblocking any old, stagnant energy that may be holding you back. 

  • And we do a money spell together on the recording (make sure to bring a candle when you sit down to dive into the training!)