$111.00 USD

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Abundant Queen Experience

- Two for the price of one! Get TWO 2-hour replays of The Abundant Queen Experience now! -

This is an all-in type of experience (like it always is with my workshops) and if you are ready to dive deep - join us.

During our 2 hours, we are diving into...
- How to show up confidently in your business- and giving you all the permission to show up as your most authentic self.
- How to embody your Queen Energy- and how to become MAGNETIC, have boundaries that serve you, and everyone around you, and how to start calling in all of your desires and abundance with ease.
- How to become magnetic in your presence in the online space, and call in new clients with ease on the regular.
- How to create a profitable business using organic marketing, while becoming an energetic match to your ideal clients to call them in with ease.
- How to tap into your Abundant Queen self, and show up confidently online to sell out your offers, and grow your audience with ease.
- Feminine and Masculine Dynamics in balancing your online business and everything that goes into it.
- How to create your dream business from a space of alignment to invite more ease, joy, and pleasure in your strategies.


[ No Refunds or Exchanges ]