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Maximize Your Masterclass

In this masterclass, we are covering both the planning AND execution of running a successful masterclass including: 

-How to plan the perfect masterclass that sells like wildfire for YOUR ideal client

-How to name your masterclass, to make it fun and unique. 

-How to make your masterclass flow- from beginning, middle and end to keep your people engaged and feeling like they can’t believe they only paid this little, for this much value.  

-How to market your masterclass using strategic posting and understanding your ideal market

-How to create support for your clients to integrate after your masterclass

-How to sell AFTER the masterclass to upsell into your programs, to help your clients maximize their impact

-How to have a pitch that is a no brainer, “fuck yes”, into your next offer. 

-How to get as many people into that offer by creating a clear follow-up, and making it the obvious, easy next step.  

-How to follow up with your people in an aligned away after that masterclass.


What you'll get:

  • Instant Access to the recording in a course portal

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